When reducing pimples there are many ways and techniques of doing that but it really depends on you, the place of the pimple and your type of pimple. But I have found a simple way of reducing normal sized pimples.
The cause
There are many reasons why pimples and spots are formed on the surface of the skin, such as, oily skin, your daily intake of food, dry skin, it may even be due to the weather conditions, it may be inherited and the list grows on.
The symptoms
You may hassle many symptoms from stops, for instance, irritation and discomfort as they can be itchy and they may even hurt from time to time, they may even discharge yellowish stuff from the pimple and then it might bleed which may lead to scaring.
The solution
And now finally for the solution...
Step 1 - Firstly, you will need to track down the cause of the spot in the first place, so if you find out your pimple was formed due to the oily skin, you can find ways to reduce that and to also try to stop others in the future from happening.
Step 2- Then, you will need to purchase a cream daily wash scrub which you can apply on morning and night which will cleanse deep into your skin, which will make your skin free from dirt, oil and clogged up pores
Step 3- You will also need to drink a lot of water and you will also need to keep a balance diet which contains your five a day fruit and vegetables and also you will need to exercise often.
Step 4- You should also consult a doctor if the problem persist or gets worse and if you have any problems or questions you need to ask and you could also ask a beautician if needed.
PimplesRicky Gill is an article publisher who is experienced in writing in many niches providing useful content for readers to feed on some of his newest published articles include Bedroom Vanity Table [http://Bedroomvanitytablesale.net] and check our other site at Hotel Jobs London [http://hoteljoblondon.co.uk] to find out more